Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mapping the stars: The Great Bear (1992) ~ Simon Patterson

Constellation of connections: Simon Patterson’s The Great Bear – its title punningly riffs on the English translation of astronomy’s Ursa Major; click the image to see the full-size version

"So this is, yes, where The Great Bear comes in. What’s so great about it? Well, it doesn’t just rework the already brilliant Tube map, but manages to transform it dramatically – in a most entertaining way. In this artwork, Patterson importantly doesn’t change any of the map’s design features at all (the Tube lines’ colours all remain the same, the circle icons representing the stations are all intact and the fonts are all unchanged); what he does is simply change the stations’ names. He does it Tube line-by-Tube line, throwing in a great deal of wit as he goes." (Read the original post here.)

Here is another special map art piece modeled after the above example: Greater Shakespeare Map

"A recent publicity tool produced by Stratford-on-Avon’s world famous Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), it’s a fun and very accessible PR exercise for their theatrical efforts and the genius of the great man himself; the contours and colours of its lines and the font of its stations/ character names unquestionably Tube map-esque. "

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